Riad Badra



Riad Badra

  • presentation
    en A, the Riad Badra, as the other, Dar badrah provide a warm and welcoming surroundings. An ideal environment for a stay in a house arabo-andalusian, belonged to a Moroccan family. E 'between tradition and modern comfort that we have a structure that meets the benefits of the original timeless and easy to use, and therefore the principal definition of a guest house to enjoy.
    Bab Doukkala - Medina West
    nf. air conditioning
    nm. jacuzzi, brand name for a large whirlpool bath
    nf. Medina, city in Saudi Arabia, city where Muhammad was first accepted as the supreme prophet of Allah; city in northern Ohio; city in western New York (USA)

    Contact: Tél: +212 524 38 27 13

    Website :    

    Address : 203, Arset Aouzal - Bab Doukkala -
    Full name :
    e-mail :
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